Consider this: In a world where nobody really knows anything, you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself and keep learning, growing and inspiring others. Remain vulnerable and explore the opportunities of life through questions.
“There is no one right answer… only better questions.”
Tim Ferriss
Success is measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations and actions one is willing to have.
The brain doesn’t learn through consumption it learns through creation
Reading and consuming information is one thing. But you need to take action and implement what you learn and consume into action. Everyday challenge yourself to implement something new into your life, however simple. Your brain learns quickly through failure but you have to put yourself out there to learn from your mistakes and strive to be a better version of yourself.
Don’t be afraid of failing. Be afraid of never trying!
Satori - Enlightenment.
Insights that will change you forever

Remember this concept from Bullet #9 - Bullet Proof your thinking? (click here)
Satori comes from moments of sudden awakening. It’s growth by insight. And they can seem to come to you almost at random.
It’s that “A-ha!” moment we’ve all felt when something just clicks.
An idea you picked up from a personal growth program.
A revelation you get from a retreat or a seminar.
A new form of wisdom you may gain from a book or a meditation practice.
Satori is pleasant. It’s pleasurable.
But best of all, it levels you up in a way where the things that used to scare is just a distant memory. You operate at a completely different level and you can take on new life challenges
Satori moments happen infrequently, but by putting ourselves in personal growth mode, we lean ourselves towards inspiration. Your life will become an ever evolving life of new ideas, insights, and awakenings.

Does everything that you try always work? No. The important thing is that the stuff that you try some of it works some of the time and that is enough. If you didn't try the stuff in the first place, you would never know.
When something happens, we often do everything to ensure that the same situation does not affect us again. The reality is, the same issue seldom reoccurs, hence, we are equally ill prepared for the next disaster as we were for the last.
If we want to become less fragile, we need to stop preparing for the last disaster.
Rather, we need to become more accommodating to change.
As long as the disaster doesn’t kill us we will most certainly learn some valuable lesson from it. Maybe we discover abilities we didn’t know we had. Maybe we adapt to a new normal with more confidence. And often we make changes so we will be better prepared in the future.
In the aftermath of a disaster, we want to be reassured of future safety.

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage"
Anais Nin
In order to live a truly fulfilling life we must choose to be courageous. Being courageous means daring to move away from our comfort zone, avoiding the status quo and trying new ways to move forward.
Courage is a muscle that we strengthen with use.
Courage is choice or a mindset that enables us to look fear in the eye, to have confidence in ourselves, to believe in our abilities and to enrich our lives accordingly
Which courage choice or mindset do you want to adopt in order to make things happen and to move forward?
The one that would enable you to analyse the fears that, in the past, have stopped you from changing some aspects of your life, privately or professionally and have prevented you from leading a happy life?
Or the one that stops you from pretending to be someone you aren’t and helps you to stand up for your true personality and values?
This quote is from her third diary which was written between 1939–44, but not published till 1966.
Get a taste of her writing here

Angela Anaïs Juana Antolina Rosa Edelmira Nin y Culmell, known professionally as Anaïs Nin was a French-Cuban American diarist, essayist, novelist, and writer of short stories and erotica. Born to Cuban parents in France.
Nin wrote journals prolifically from age eleven until her death. Her journals, many of which were published during her lifetime, detail her private thoughts and personal relationships.
Wisdom/ What I'm Reading...
Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
Emotions make behaviour more automatic.
The author has learnt that only 3 things will change your behaviour in the long term.
Option A: Have an epiphany
Option B: Change your environment
Option C: Take baby steps

There are 7 steps in Behaviour Design:
Clarify the aspiration
Explore behaviour options
Match with specific behaviours
Start tiny
Find a good prompt
Celebrate successes
Troubleshoot, Iterate & Expand
Core Concepts:
Start with three very small behaviours, even just one
Create a constellation of habits, tiny in size but big on impact
Keep changes small and expectations low
People change by feeling good, not by feeling bad
B = MAP – Behaviour happens when motivation & ability & prompt converge at the same moment
Willpower is a myth. Bad habits are due to design flaws not character flaws
Removing a prompt is the best first move to stop a behaviour happening (e.g. remove chocolate from the fridge, remove phone from bedroom)
Most important part of the approach
Emotions create habits
Celebration must come immediately after or during the habit for it to stick. E.g A message two days later won't work
Celebration is habit fertiliser
Celebration is a skill — It does not always come naturally
Read the book here
Tiny Habits is a blueprint for redefining our approach to self-improvement. The habits are tiny, but the results are big.
“By going tiny, you can discover for yourself the changes that will change everything.”
Fogg’s method for habit formation works because it takes willpower out of the equation. One of the first lessons you learn is that your proposed routine needs to be tiny.
If an action is tiny, it doesn’t take any effort to do, so you experience no mental pushback when it’s time to actually start doing the habit.
The essence of Tiny is that the change initiated is so small that it quickly becomes the normal. Once you take that first tiny step, you will quickly resolve to complete the entire action.
If you've read this far, go apply these new ideas to your own life by signing up for BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits course. It’s free, it’s immensely practical, it’s short and it really works.
The Fogg Behaviour Model (FBM) shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for a behaviour to occur: Motivation, Ability, and a Trigger. When a behaviour does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing.
Understand the model here
Psychologist. BJ Fogg is the founder of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University in California. He’s been studying how to change behaviour for the past 20 years. Fogg condensed his findings on how to change behaviour into a model which he named: the Fogg Behaviour Model.
In essence, the Fogg Behaviour Model states that behaviour will only happen when three elements occur simultaneously. These three behaviour change elements are the following:
Motivation — People have to be sufficiently motivated to change their behaviour.
Ability — They must have the ability to do the behaviour.
Trigger — They have to be triggered, or prompted, to do the behaviour.
If one of the elements is missing, behaviour won’t happen. Another way to say this is as follows:

Here’s what the Fogg Behavior Model looks like:

Application of the Fogg Behaviour Model
The Fogg Behaviour Model can be applied in any area in which there’s a behaviour that you want to take place, including the following:
There’s a habit that you want to adopt—such as exercising, working on your blog, meditating, or clearing your desk every day before you leave work—but you can’t get yourself to do it.
There’s something that you want someone else to do—such as getting your kids to do their homework when they get back from school.
The model can also be applied in a technological environment. For example, you’re a website owner/designer and there’s something that you want your visitors to do – such as sign up for your newsletter.
As you can see, the model can be applied in both a professional and a personal setting. In addition, it can be applied to change your behaviour or to change the behaviour of others
Overview of the Fogg Behaviour Model
Here are four things you can notice right away about the Fogg Behaviour Model from looking at the graph:
As a person’s motivation and ability to perform the target behaviour increase, the more likely it is that they will perform said behaviour.
There’s an inverse relationship between motivation and ability. The easier something is to do, the less motivation is needed to do it. On the other hand, the harder something is to do, the more motivation is needed.
The action line—the purple curved line—lets you know that any behaviour above that line will take place if it’s appropriately triggered. At the same time, any behaviour below the line won’t take place regardless of the trigger used. Why is that? Because if you have practically zero motivation to do something, you won’t do it regardless of how easy it is to do. At the same time, if you’re very motivated to do something, but it’s incredibly difficult to do, you’ll get frustrated and you won’t act.
If you want a behaviour to take place, look for ways to boost motivation or ability (or both). In other words, aim for the top right of the model — move along the red line toward the yellow star:

To read more about the model, click here
