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Finding our "New Normal".

Every situation in life is temporary so when life is good; make sure you enjoy it and when times get tough; remember it will soon pass.

As we struggle to adapt to our new circumstances, it can be tempting to bury our head and wait for it all to blow over so we can just get back to normal. Or we can see this as an incredible opportunity to figure out who we are.

Embrace this moment of isolation as an opportunity , as we are required to stop and pause, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to put distance between you and the choices you have made in life thus far, and evaluate what is serving you and what must go.

I don't want to underplay the severity of the situation we find ourselves in but I am suggesting that we can deal with it in different ways.

When life changes and gets hard, you realise you’ve never had to put into practice what you thought you knew about coping with disaster.

Life is about what you do in the painful moments. The choices you make. The path you choose.

The reality of what we are facing, the fear anxiety and uncertainty are normal human responses, but it is equally important not to let these emotions control our every action.

We’ve heard a lot about what people want to do when things go back to “normal,” but the reality is, we won’t go back to our old normal. We’ll find a new normal, and the possibilities in that space are absolutely endless. If you start planning now, you’ll have complete freedom to create something bigger and better, using all the skills and knowledge you’ve accumulated through this scary period. All of that learning will become immediately available to you, which means you can hit the ground running while everyone else is still deciding what to do.


Feelings of anger build up in the mind, body and soul, affecting the body's organs and natural processes and breeding even more negative emotions.

We all experience anger at some point in our lives. It is natural to feel angry about something, as long as you know how to deal with your anger so that it doesn't negatively affect your health and well-being. Remember that anger comes from within, and it can be just as easy to eliminate anger as to suppress it or hold on to it. In fact, sometimes it is easier to just let something go than to carry on being upset. If you can learn to tackle your anger at its root and resolve your negative feelings without lashing out at yourself or others, you will already be one step further on the path to optimal health and happiness

A calm mind deals with emotions a lot better.


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"

Mark twain

I get it – it’s definitely easier to follow someone else’s lead. You don’t have to think; it’s all done for you. Just follow the path already taken. This is the lazy way out. A more meaningful outcome always comes when we apply our own ideas, creativity and emotion to a decision.

Use this opportunity of time and space to chart out the most important future decisions and actions you wish to make and make them yours.

Wisdom/ What I'm reading...

"Leaders aren’t made in a day - they are made daily"

- John Maxwell

Leadership is not a title, its influence, we all have influence.

Leadership is about increasing your influence. Successful people influence others and hence make impact.

5 levels of leadership

Leadership is a verb not a noun.

1. Position - where you have a title. 80% of people never get off level 1 - mostly because nobody tells them there is another level

2. Permission - is about relationship - here people you lead give you permission to lead them as they like you

3. Production - This is where credibility of leadership begins, if people are going to follow you, they have to believe in you. If you are not successful yourself, how will you make others successful. If I am personally successful I have the credibility to lead others.

4. Compounding - Leader greatest return - If you want to compound influence, time, money, energy you have to do it with others and through others. Remember one misunderstood concept of compounding is that most of the results come at the end, not the beginning. We need to constantly and consistently do the right things to reap the benefits at the end.

5. Pinnacle - You’ve done it so well for so long you can do it for life.

Wherever you are on the leadership ladder, its a journey.

You can't grow yourself until you know yourself.

leadership is about improving people making them bigger and better

The book focuses on how to be a great leader and develop more leaders.

The greatest return any leader can generate is to develop more future leaders.

What is the greatest return on a leader’s time?After leaders have invested in their own leadership growth, what is the best way to accomplish their vision and grow their organisations and teams? Develop leaders!

In The Leader’s Greatest Return, Maxwell shares the most important lessons he’s learned about the leadership development process over the last quarter century. He instructs readers in how to

  • Recognise potential leaders

  • Attract leaders by creating a leadership "table"

  • Work themselves out of a job by equipping and empowering leaders

  • Position leaders to build a winning team

  • Coach leaders to higher levels and make them leadership developers themselves

This is where leaders really experience the compounding value of developing leaders and go to the highest levels of leadership themselves.

About the author: John Maxwell is a personal growth and development coach, leadership expert, keynote speaker, and publishing phenomena. He has written more than 100 books which have sold more than 34 million copies in fifty languages. Business Insider and Inc. magazine named John Maxwell as the world's most influential leadership expert. His training companies have now trained more than 6 million leaders worldwide, and every year John Maxwell consults with the senior management teams of Fortune 500 companies as well as presidents of nations.

Grab yourself a read - The Leader's Greatest Return

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© 2020 Bullet Friday Edition by Priyesh Shah

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